|| carbon based lifeforms

Live in California – New Album Released

December 15th 2017  || by  || 1 Comment

forgotten future: LIVE IN CALIFORNIA features the recording of live performances from the 2016 San Jose and 2017 Los Angeles shows. Each track is a new arrangement or remix of the original track found on the first two forgotten future albums, with a harder, driving feel. In addition, LIVE IN CALIFORNIA includes a bonus track, Breakthrough [Chroma Mix].

This live album is the sonic documentation of the first phase of the W1–Realignment performances, Released on December 15, 1965, the anniversary of the first space rendez-vous (between Gemini VI and VII). Filled with real-time-performed 303 acid lines, epic leads and lush pad textures, forgotten future’s cutting-edge and spacey psybient / ambient organic electronic music was enjoyed as a high-energy soundtrack at various electronic music festivals – and now can be enjoyed in a download form!

forgotten future: W1 released

April 24th 2015  || by  || Add Reply

The first piece of the long-awaited forgotten future psybient – electronic music concept series has been released.

forgotten future: W1 is the first installment of a 4-album concept series, the framework for a musical and ideological endeavor to take the listener through Universal themes centered around four of the “big questions”. The first release in the series, W1, is exploring the question “WHAT”.  Rather than being dogmatic, ff: W1 offers an environment of alternative realism for everyone to explore their “future memories” in and find their personal answers.

forgotten future W1 album cover

forgotten future W1 album cover

Excerpt from the booklet:
forgotten future: W1 is a story of a journey – one of multiversal scale, beyond the boundaries of time and through new dimensions. It is about the journey we all take one day. We are frightened of the unknown, yet it feels so familiar… it feels like we have been in this environment before…It’s a curious and humbling experience, a galactic travel on a forgotten road that takes us to a mysterious destination, which road seems like… we must have traveled it before. And while we feel completely lost, anxious and painfully lonely out there in the vast Universe, we are ecstatic about the journey through the unimaginable, about witnessing the answers to some of the ultimate questions, and at the end, realizing that the experience was not the first one, indeed. But, returning from our voyage, we only bring the distant memories of feelings with us… forgetting the experience – which we will re-live again in the future.”

While electronic in its nature, the psybient music envelops the listener in an organic feel manifested by warm textures and and deep, open spaces sprinkled with grains of electronic tones. The ambient yet rhythmically exciting music features lush soundscapes, unique, cutting edge sounds and complex sonic layers, often monumental electronic instrumentation, dynamic song structures and haunting melodies.

More than just musical compositions, the forgotten future series is not a fictional story, rather the expression of Julius’ personal beliefs of Universal (actually, Multiversal) concepts of our existence – feelings and ideas communicated through music and sound design. While W1 introduces the listener to the framework of a belief system, which includes splinters of diverse concepts from ancient religions and modern-day science, parts 2-4 of the series will build on this framework, exploring exciting theories and convictions. Thus, signaling its importance much beyond a work of a composer, and letting the listener focus on the message rather than the messenger, forgotten future is the first (and only) moniker of Julius Dobos.

forgotten future took Julius over five years to develop, produce, and after multiple delays, release in April, 2015. The album is downloadable in various digital formats, including a 24-bit 48Khz Studio Master, and can be ordered as a CD in a premium digipak edition, complete with a full-color 20-page booklet. The booklet features the photographs and digitally painted original work of various artists, accompanying each track with its own visual environment.

[Press release]

                    EARLIER UPDATES                    

UPDATE 4.17.2015
After some unexpected delays, [forgotten future: W1] is ready for its official release on April 24th! Physical album production is under way, and the interactive ff: w1 online experience is under testing. One week until availability on digital platforms, including 24-bit “studio quality” formats!

forgotten future: W1 2015 psybient album artwork pre-press proofing

forgotten future: W1 album artwork pre-press proofing

UPDATE 01.06.2015
[forgotten future: W1] is being mastered by Robert Rich, dark ambient pioneer in Mountain View, California. After some debates and tests about bass content, we are both happy with the outcome. The album’s extensive graphic design has been completed – ff W1 is expected to be released in a few weeks.

UPDATE 11.09.2014
[forgotten future: W1] has been mixed at Studio CS and the sonics are currently being refined by Vincent Villuis at Ultimae Studio in Lyon, France. The album is expected to be released both in physical CD and digital formats in early 2015. Check back soon for more exciting news!

UPDATE 07.12.2014
Julius’ new album is nearing the mixing phase, which will take place throughout the Summer. Today, a short video showing the production of a new track was published on YouTube. The title of the new work was also announced as forgotten future: W1.

According to Julius, the psybient / ambient-electronic work “will be the conceptually most important release so far in my career”. Be sure to check back often for updates and announcements about the new project.


SILICON VALLEY, CA / BUDAPEST, HUNGARY — Creative Shop Music has announced a planned 2013 release of a brand new concept work by composer Julius Dobos. The large-scale work in psybient / ambient-electronic style will encompass multiple album releases.

The composition and musical sound design process started in late 2009 and has been the main focus of Dobos since. The work is expected to be a reflection of Dobos’ philosophy about the relationship of Nature, Life, the Universe and music, touching on such intriguing subjects as the existence and relativity of space and time – expressed in music and sound. The first release in the series, while electronic in nature, will build on an organic feel and warm textures. The ambient yet rhythmically exciting music will feature lush soundscapes, complex, out-of-this-world sounds, haunting melodies, powerful emotions, instrumentation form minimal to grandiose, traveling through seven unique sonic landscapes.

The planned 2012 release date of the new work, which was first announced last year, has been delayed due to the relocation of Julius’ studio, however the production is now at full steam at Studio CS. No further details or samples have been released, and the title of the work has not been made public either.

Be sure to check back often for announcements, or subscribe to the newsletter for the latest news.

Find the original Press release here.

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  • Live in California (sample)
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  • https://www.juliusdobos.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Live-in-CA.jpg
  • https://www.juliusdobos.com//musicmp3/Live_in_CA_sample_1.mp3
  • https://www.juliusdobos.com//musicmp3/Live_in_CA_sample_1.mp3
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